What is Information Technology

Friday, 15 July 2011

Definition of information technology is the International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT) Glossary of computer terms and phrases. Their definition says that information technology is three things: 
1. The solutions used to manage data, information and knowledge.
2. Industry, offering solutions around these solutions.
3. Organizations in the business is that is composed of IT professionals who come from the industry.The IF4IT also has some solid IT learning resources.
It's like a bundle of these things:
water pipes, electric mountain system, bikes, roads and highways, a library, printing, telephone, air, and much more.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the concept of information technology (IT) of a little-known phrase that was used by those who worked in places like banks and hospitals to describe the processes they use to store information. With the paradigm shift in computer technology and "paperless" work, information technology has come to be a household phrase. It defines an industry that uses computers, networks, software programming, and other equipment and processes to store, process, retrieve, transmit and protect information.

In the early days of computer development there was no such thing as a degree in computer engineering. Software development and programming should be left to computer scientists and engineers in mathematics, because they are complex in nature. As time passed and technology advanced, as the dawn of personal computers in 1980, and its daily use at home and at work, the world moved to the information age.

From the 21, early century, knew almost all children in the Western world and many other parts of the world how to use a personal computer. IT services firms have moved from using StorageWorks tape created by a single computer operator for interconnected networks of workstations that store employee information in a server farm, often a place far from the main business site. Communication has evolved from physical mail to phone fax transmissions to digital communication virtually instantaneous via electronic mail (e-mail).

Technical progress has been made since the days when computers were huge machines, which are stored in a large, air-conditioned rooms, get their data from punched cards. IT industry has proven to be a huge employer of people around the world, because the focus is shifting part of the production of Nations, the service sector. This is an area where the barrier is generally much lower than in manufacturing, for example. In the current economic environment, which is dominated by computers is often a necessity for those who want to compete in the world of work.
Jobs in information technology are very different, but many require a degree in higher education. Positions as diverse as software development, network engineering and database administrator are generally considered to be IT jobs. Almost any position involving the intersection of computing and information can be considered as part of the area.


Kip Dare said...

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